Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pretty little liars The Lady Killer review

Well this episode sure went out with a bang ;) Get it? Okay moving one then

In the beginning of the episode we find out that Garrets trial has begun which means all eyes are on Rosewood. Meanwhile, Emily, who is still mad at the other girls, doesn't know who to turn to when the Media gets to much for her. A finds this as a perfect opportunity to maybe get Hanna, Aria, and Spencer on a good term with Emily. Toby came back but then leaves again for his 'Job'. Maggie visits Ezra, making Aria uncomfortable, but promises to keep the secret about Aria visiting her under the name of 'Amy' but asks that Aria keeps quiet to while she tries to figure out whats best for Malcolm. Emily and Nate head up to the Lighthouse in where Emily finds out that Nate has the same shoes on as Maya's creepy ex boyfriend from True North. When Emily says she needs air Nate follows he out and takes her by knife point back in the cabin and makes he watch a video Maya made. Its revealed that Nate killed Maya and his name is really Lyndon. Emily escapes with his phone and runs up to the light house. While Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Caleb are on their way, Lyndon makes it up to the top of  the light house. Emily manages to knock the Knife out of Lyndon's hand and stabs him in the ribs. Caleb makes his way to the top of the lighthouse and hugs a crying Emily while Lyndon lye 'Dead' on the floor. A loud gunshot goes off and turns out Caleb was shot and his fate is unknown. The girls make up and are friends again, and Spencer feels bad for accusing Paige because in reality, Paige is just another victim. Mona reveals that Paige has Mayas phone, unknowingly, and that Emily got Garret out of this mess. Right now its uncertain if Garret is on the A team. Before sneaking back in to the mental hospital, Mona is seen talking to a hooded figure. The Hooded figure turns around revealing that its Toby. Guys, Toby's on the A team.

Favorite Bits.
Hanna: I almost killed you! Caleb: With a pink fury lamp?

Toby running at the end.

Authors Note
Marlene King sure knows how to make some one cry... Why does Toby have to be on the A team?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Teen wolf 30 day Challenge

Day 1-Favorite male character: Stiles or Jackson
Day 2-least favorite male character: Peter
 Day 3-favorite episode: Episode 2x02
Day 4-least favorite episode: 2x08
Day 5-most hilarious episode: The very first episode
Day 6-most suspenseful episode: The last episode of season 1
Day 7-character most like you: Stiles
Day 8-character least like you: Lydia
Day 9-a prediction for next season: Um.. The Alpha pack is going to attack..?
Day 10-post your favorite GIF; I don't know i just really like this one:

Day 11-post your favorite teen wolf quote:
"I am always right and you'll always listen to me for the rest of your wolvlihood."
Day 12-A picture of the two characters you ship
 Every one ships Jydia
And then of course i ship Sterek and Isaac/Jackson
Day 13-something you would change about the show
I want Isaac and Erica together
Day 14- who do you not want to be a couple
 Scott and Alison
Day 15-if you could write an episode, what would it be about?
Stiles' mom and how she died 
Day 16-favorite female character: Lydia 
Day 17-least favorite female character: Alison
Day 18- rate the show on a scale of 1-10: 10
Day 19-would you want to see Stiles as a wolf?: Yes!
Day 20-who do you think is the funniest character: Stiles
Day 21-least funny character: Alison
Day 22-favorite Gif of Allison

Day 23- favorite Gif of Scott

Day 24- favorite Gif of Stiles

Day 25- favorite Gif of Derek

Day 26- favorite Gif of Lydia

 Day 27- favorite Gif of Jackson

Day 28- favorite cast picture

Day 29- What are your thoughts on the season final?
It was good just not the best episode
Day 30-do you love teen wolf? Yes, Obviously

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Teen Wolf season finale review

Okay, wow just wow.

Okay so basically what happened was Alison and her family were still looking for Derek, Stiles got captured by Gerard, i think was his name, and then he found Boyd and Erica, but when he tried to set them free, he got is butt kicked. Nice. Peter then tells Derek that stabbing Jackson was part of Gerard's plan all along, Then Alison's father realizes that Gerard was the true enemy all along, and then teams up with Scot, Peter, Isaac, and Derek. Stiles, after escaping, finds out the Lydia is still in love with Jackson. Jackson comes back to life as the Kanima and fights off Isaac, Scott, and Derek. Lydia then makes the Kanima turn  back in to Jackson by showing him the key, which then leads to Jackson letting Peter and Derek kill him. Jackson then re-awakes as a Werewolf. Gerard also reveals he has Cancer and was going to get Derek to bite him so he could turn in to the Alpha and not die. After Derek bites Gerard's arm, his body rejects it and Scot explains that he got Gerard's doctor to replace his pills with Mountain ash. Gerard then escapes, and Allison says shes sorry for every thing and tearfully breaks up with him, but Scott, being the good guy he is, says he'll wait for her. Isaac, Peter, and Derek find a cryptic symbol on the door, and Peter explains that a new pack has arrived, and all Alpha pack, indicating trouble. Boyd and Erica are then surrounded by the Alpha pack, leaving their fate uncertain. Scott, seeing now that he is un-popular and single again, is teaching Stiles how to be better at lacrosse. 

That was a very sad finale :(

See what i did there? Added a Stiles gif cause its Teen wolf? Okay no one cares?

Well until next time,
Bye xxx

Monday, August 13, 2012

Political Animals '15 Hours review'

Round of applause for Bud Hammond 

Okay so basically this episode revolved around Douglas and Susan on the trip to the cost of California to rescue the Chinese sub that's stuck at the bottom of the sea. Then Doug cheated on Anne, who was pouring out her feelings to Margret. So Doug and Susan kissed on the plane. 

Bud learned the real reason behind what happened to T.J last December and took matters in to his own hands but telling the President and punching Fred who's also the Vice President. Also Bud and Elaine took turns looking after T.J in the hospital.
Am i the only one that cried when Bud was telling that story about how every night he used to hide behind the corner and watch T.J play the piano? Any way i also cried when T.J woke up and kept saying how sorry he was.
 Also, Anne and Margret got the guest room ready since Elaine is making T.J move back in after he gets out of the Hospital.

Every one can cry now, The season finale is next week, but hey, at least its not the series finale!

Well until next time, bye guys! xxx

Monday, July 30, 2012

What word in the English language is always spelled wrong?

The word 'Wrong' 

Okay that was cheesy 
Oh gosh.
But you guys probably laughed anyway.

The Dark Night Rises review

Holy Cow! This was SUCH a good movie! Best of the 3
I suggest you go see it now like right now.