Monday, August 20, 2012

Teen wolf 30 day Challenge

Day 1-Favorite male character: Stiles or Jackson
Day 2-least favorite male character: Peter
 Day 3-favorite episode: Episode 2x02
Day 4-least favorite episode: 2x08
Day 5-most hilarious episode: The very first episode
Day 6-most suspenseful episode: The last episode of season 1
Day 7-character most like you: Stiles
Day 8-character least like you: Lydia
Day 9-a prediction for next season: Um.. The Alpha pack is going to attack..?
Day 10-post your favorite GIF; I don't know i just really like this one:

Day 11-post your favorite teen wolf quote:
"I am always right and you'll always listen to me for the rest of your wolvlihood."
Day 12-A picture of the two characters you ship
 Every one ships Jydia
And then of course i ship Sterek and Isaac/Jackson
Day 13-something you would change about the show
I want Isaac and Erica together
Day 14- who do you not want to be a couple
 Scott and Alison
Day 15-if you could write an episode, what would it be about?
Stiles' mom and how she died 
Day 16-favorite female character: Lydia 
Day 17-least favorite female character: Alison
Day 18- rate the show on a scale of 1-10: 10
Day 19-would you want to see Stiles as a wolf?: Yes!
Day 20-who do you think is the funniest character: Stiles
Day 21-least funny character: Alison
Day 22-favorite Gif of Allison

Day 23- favorite Gif of Scott

Day 24- favorite Gif of Stiles

Day 25- favorite Gif of Derek

Day 26- favorite Gif of Lydia

 Day 27- favorite Gif of Jackson

Day 28- favorite cast picture

Day 29- What are your thoughts on the season final?
It was good just not the best episode
Day 30-do you love teen wolf? Yes, Obviously

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