Monday, October 24, 2011

Greys Anatomy Thats me Trying

So i really did like This episode of Grey's Anatomy..... It was good.

So like Who would have thought that Arizona would call it quits right before they both board the plane? Why wait until the last second (other than for ratings/shock value)? It makes no scenes to do that!

As much as Callie openly admitted hating the idea of living in Africa, she was willing to sacrifice her professional happiness to be with the woman she loved. I applaud Callie for her effort.There is so much love here, I just can’t imagine these two being over! When will Arizona come back? Do you think Callie will be able to move on? Knowing Callie and her record, I foresee her having a couple flings before these two make up. What do you think?

Its just another fight between Calli and Arizona.

When Cristina admitted she would have walked away if it was anyone else pleading to stay and save Derek‘s life, I could clearly see the old robotic Cristina up and leave. But, as we all know, Cristina and Meredith have a very special relationship. They are each other’s persons and she could never leave Meredith Grey just hanging there.

Because of all these events, Cristina has made up her mind to up and quit Seattle Grace What?! Really? This can’t last long! After all, this is Grey’s Anatomy. I really thought Roy getting his lung transplant would be what we needed to get Cristina back to her old self this week. What will bring her back now? How long do you think it will take Dr. Yang to come back to work? I’m willing to bet it won’t be for at least another three episodes. What do you think?

Bailey’s efforts to find some closure with Mary’s death had me tearing up. You could feel the frustration she’s carrying for the inability to get an answer for why she died.Hopefully, after a few weeks Mary’s brain will provide the answers she’s waiting for. And Bill will finally get his Answers to!

April really has grown on me! I couldn’t believe what an excellent trauma surgeon she would be! I am just unsure about the brewing romance forming between her and Alex. A part of me really wants to see her end up with someone great, but is that Alex? It almost feels like the writers are just throwing these two together because they ran out of other options. This is a pretty big hit show, couldn’t the writers / executive producers afford someone else for April and Alex to date?

Still no big breakthrough happening between Sloan and Lexie, although the ending scene where he’s checking out her butt was really cute! I hope these two get back together really soon! It’s been plenty of time already! Ive been waiting.. I mean at first i wanted Alex and Lexie together but Mark and her should get back together

What was your favorite quote from this weeks episode?

Heres a few of mine!

Arizona: You are ruining Africa for me. Callie: No I'm not. Arizona: You are. Callie: Okay fine, I don't want to go to Africa, but I do want to be with you. Arizona: You stay here and be happy. And I'll go there and be happy. Callie: If you get on that plane and go without me we are done. Do you hear me? We are over. Arizona: We are standing in the middle of an airport screaming at each other. We are already over.

April: Now move! Or I will run you down.

Callie: Big plans. Big plans. You know what? I don't care. I've got big plans myself. Great big African plans. Sloan: Yeah you do.

Sorry Folks You have to wait til next week to see my next review :(

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