Monday, October 24, 2011

NCIS:LA The Job Review

Kensi goes undercover and works with a very handsome thief that puts her in danger. Needless to say neither of those things sit to well with Deeks but whether or not that’s because (as he claims) she is his partner or because he has other feelings for her, we don’t know yet.

It’s funny that we get a possible….er…..what are people calling Deeks and Kensi? Densi? Keeks?

Well time will tell... I guess. So any way i'm so hoping this is not the season finale because on a side note.. Its kind of the worst way to end a season.

So heres the base of the episode::Two thieves break into a storage facility at Camp Pendleton, but one of them drops a crate, setting off an alarm. The clumsy thief is shot in the leg and arrested, but the other thief escapes. Kensi goes undercover looking to join up with the escaped thief and find out what he intended to steal from Pendleton.

The escaped thief, Stan King (Victor Webster), maintained a suave demeanor and opulent lifestyle. NCIS’s plan was to place Kensi undercover as Lisa Roberts, a replacement recommended by King’s injured partner, Bobby Asher (Kyle Davis aka William LaMontagne Jr. from Criminal Minds!). Things went awry when King unpredictably shot Bobby dead and proceeded to kill more former associates as he angled to pull off one last heist.

Now before all the…uh….okay I’m just gonna go with Densi. Before all the Densi people jump down my throat you gotta understand where I’m coming from. The thing about me is I love partnerships. Men and men, women and women or men and women, it doesn’t make any difference to me. I enjoy watching the dynamics of how partners can get to know each so well that they can predict each other’s moves and finish each other’s sentences. In shows like this one, I also enjoy the life and death aspect of that partnership and how they literally hold each other’s lives in their hands.

Just watching a bunch of people run around shooting guns and getting shot at is no fun. It’s only when you add in the friendships that things get interesting and I really feel like something gets lost when the partnership turns into something romantic. Suddenly I really dont want it to turn in to a show where all it is, is Relationships. I have Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice to get my soap opera fix, I really don’t know if I could handle it on a show that I turn to for action and team dynamics.

All that being said though, I have to admit that I am sorta, kinda, maybe just a smidge, starting to possibly like the idea of Deeks and Kensi getting together. But in my defense, I think that comes more from the fact that I do see them as compatible and I do really love both their characters (which kinda surprises me since I first watched this show purely for the Kensi and Callen dynamic).

Back to the core of it::

Each of the killings was a shock to me. The main danger was that King would continue his pattern and kill Kensi before NCIS ever found out what he intended to steal. The writers took the opportunity to tap into Kensi’s chemistry with Deeks.

King’s target was eventually revealed as a jade dragon that the U.S. military had confiscated from a Chinese spy. The dragon contained data about stealth fighter planes. The team caught up with King, of course, but Kensi took a nasty hit to the jaw. Given the level of danger Kensi faced throughout this episode, I thought she and Deeks might go as far as making out. As far as viewers saw, all they did was watch Top Model over burgers and beers. The rest of the night may be referenced in future episodes kinda like CSI:NY did with their Stella and Adam thing (even tho Stella is OLD!)

Well over all i gotta say.. I freakin loved this episode.. It was the closest I've seen the Kensi+Deeks think in action!! I just really hope it was not the season final!

My favorite bits…….

Deeks whining that Eric got an air horn and he just got cuticle clippers.

Deeks babbling about how he didn’t talk too much. An argument that proves itself.

Sam and Callen pulling off their little charade and scaring Bobby into talking.

Callen’s “of course you do” when Deeks said he had the redhead. LOL.

Kensi’s little grin as Deeks was doing his wounded act. So cute that he managed to get a smile out of her after what had just happened.

Sam and Callen’s little coffee dance to get King off his laptop. Nice.

Deeks claiming to be a soccer player. You know, I could actually see that. I mean, he’s got the hair for it.

Deeks reassuring Kensi that he would only be one step away.

OMG so heartbreaking for them to do a close-up on Deeks when he saw that explosion.

Deeks not only knocking King to the ground but telling him that it was for hitting his partner. See? Like I said, you do not want to get between Deeks and his partner.

Callen and Sam bickering over where they were going to go for dinner.

Deeks showing up at Kensi’s door with a burgers and beer and then needing Kensi to open his beer for him. LOL.

Practically dying of laughter as the screen went black to the sound of a rather impressive belch from Kensi and Deeks’ “sa-weet!”. I’m really beginning to look forward to these final funny blackout moments each week.

What did you think of this episode of NCIS: Los Angeles? Got any favorite bits or least favorite bits of your own? I’d love to hear from you!

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