Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NCIS:LA Reveiw Lone Wolf

Whoa that episode was incredible!

I loved the parts of Kensi and Deeks! Just my favorite part was when she told him that he has to drive, pay, and wash her laundry for a month ( Outer wear only Deeks!)

Blah blah yea the Sam and Callen parts were ok but my favorite Sam part was what he had to do just so he didn't have to hang out with Deeks! Funny stuff!

OK Hetty is really annoying me with all of the episodes about her! Whats up with that!?

Nell an Eric = Funny like always!

Over all the episode was partially good.. Not my favorite but it was OK.. Next week looks a little good.

Lets Just hope its not one of those shows i drop because their getting terrible! Already on the verge to drop NCIS lets just hope NCIS:LA doesn't go down the drain with it!

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