Monday, October 24, 2011

OK So who loves Tuesday Nights!! Any way.. now we have to wait five months for the epic adventure, Pretty Little Liars! So.. Keep reading or ELSE!

  • Caleb's back! (Thank you!) I know i know! I'm probably over reacting! But its Caleb for crying out loud! Hes the Coolest Kid In School :) He's a mini Gangsta and i wanna be a mini Caleb! Any way back to the subject :) I love how Kate said "That's a handsome suit" and the Caleb's reply was.. "And that's a really pretty dress, but you should know, it gives you Back Fat!" then smirked as he walked away! But I'm kinda mad at Caleb ya know? Because he didn't come to the police station when Hanna (And the other girls) Were in trouble! I know i know! I know i just said i love Caleb.. But i think i have crossed feelings about that guy! But at least we did get to see him minimum times on his mini trip back from Cali to help Hanna get through the wedding! Even though she ruined the wedding but i do like that she did stop the wedding because Isabel deserves to know that Hanna's dad cheated on her plus i never really did like Kate! Any way back to Caleb.. Which is better? Season 1 Caleb or Season 2 Caleb? Really? I kinda like Season 1 Caleb because he's so funny :) But my favorite quote of season 1 is when Hanna said "When she gets there.. a lot of people will be hurt" and Caleb replied with "What? is Mrs.Montgomery starting a terrorist cell?" Hahaha i know i know its to funny I'm like laughing my heart out :) But its ok because i loved that Caleb was back but who knows? He might not be in the show in January :(

  • OK So Hanna stopped the wedding from happening! Yay! At first in the beginning of the season i was like "Hanna, don't ruin the wedding!" Because her dad wouldn't talk to her any more! But after Kate stunt last week... I was ready to stop the wedding my self, But -A forced her in to it because -A made her believe that it would save the Therapist.. and i guess it did.. or maybe the therapist's life was never on the line? -A dose do a lot to make stuff look like its not! But then i noticed that They all wanted that stuff.. Aria secretly wanted Jackie gone and A made her grant her wish (But did not succeed) Hanna didn't want her dad to get married and A made sure she gave herself what she wanted and Spencer wanted Toby safe all along and A Forced her to Keep Toby safe but it turns out A's idea of Spencer keeping Toby safe.. was to break up with him :( But in the end their wishes back fired on them and yet once again.. A came out on top.. and from what i can tell.. A always will.. A's all way's watching.. A knows every thing... and A always wins

  • Aria! OK so Aria found out that Jackie Plagiarized the paper she wrote and was gonna get published! Would Aria tell Ezra? Not if Jackie has some thing to say about it! Jackie said that if Aria told any one! So on other cases.. -A told Aria to get rid of Jackie.. Does that mean Jackie was not a big fan of -A's? I don't know.. Any way I'm thinking.. on the shovel, and the serial killer note in the had an -A note .. or did it? If you look back at it.. Its not signed -A.. Was the shovel planted there by some one else? Was the box sent to them by some one else? Jason? Garret? Mr.Hastings? The police? Well just think about that.. Wait! The clothes Ali was wearing in Emily's flashback look almost like the ones Dr. Sullivan was wearing in the coffee shop at the end! And if you remember back you will see that -A ordered boots and sent them to some one! Well let me tell you something! Those were the boots Ali was wearing in Emily's Flashback last night!!And they were on Mya when she was at Hanna's house!! And did u see Mya's Face when Hanna asked about them!! Think About it! Now I'm starting to believe Ali is alive! But what would Jenna and Garret be talking about then? Maybe they killed some one else.. Like a look alike.. Like some who wanted Alison's life.. like Courtney from the book? Maybe after Alison went to the Kissing Rock Courtney came out of the house? and Jenna and Garret Mistook Courtney for Allison and they shoved her in the hole.. then when Allison came back her mom thought she was Courtney and then started looking frantically for Alison who really was Courtney.. then They took Allison back to the mental hospital as Courtney? Just maybe.. that seems reasonable.. right? Just think about it.. Who else could be in the hole who looks just like Alison and has the same DNA as her.. Its not Jason.. just let me tell you that...

  • Ezra showed up at the police station! Aria Called him crying and he came!! His biggest mistake while talking to Ella was saying "I love her" before he new which girl she was talking about! Ella thinks Spencer is dating Ezra.. but shes dating Toby! Or was :( But any way as i was saying If the Hastings find out "Ezra is dating Spencer" They will sue his butt out of Rosewood and then Lock Spencer in her room for like, the rest of her life! And then Wren would save her! I would say Toby but.. She broke up with him! And then her and Wren had a moment last night after she said she was sorry of crying in front of him.. Stupid Hott Wren :( Any way back to Ezra.. I hope the Hastings don't find out because i would be really sad because he's dating aria but every one thinks he's dating Spencer.. Well.. Only Ella actually..... but still! If she tells the Hastings then Ezra will go to jail! And all you Ezria fans don't want that do you! And what do you think will happen when the girls get out? Will Ezra and Aria finally decide to tell Aria's Parents? I really don't know... I'm just as confused as you are Lol I think they should not.. Because Ezra will end up in jail and Aria will live in a house where the parent hate her!:( Well they should continue to see each other just not tell any one... or there's trouble..

  • Whats up with Jason n Mr.Hastings? Or in Jason's Case.. Dad? What was that in the police station? Could it really be a trait from the books? Could Peter be the dad of Jason and Allison.. and maybe Courtney? I really think their just talking about the will.. but then theirs that idea? Could it be? No.. i highly doubt it.. but do I? Are the writers just messing with us or could it really be? No... it.. it.. it cant be.... could it?No the writers confirmed that A is not the same person as in the book.. oh.. they didn't say that some things wouldn't be the same.. so maybe just maybe Spencer,Melissa,Jason,and Alison are all related? If so..... does Mrs.Hastings know? Will she ever find out? I'm just really confused because when Jason came to the police station Peter said "You shouldn't be here" and then Jason said "My sister would want me here" then Jason pointed to Mrs.Hastings and said "Does she know?" then Peter looked at Jason and said "No, and you won't tell her" Then quickly walked away

  • Oh an then there's -A... Like i said.. I don't think -A put that shovel there..or sent the note either? Because it would have signed the note -A right? Maybe Garret sent the note and planted the shovel there or Jason? Or a fake? I really don't know but like i said up there I'm kinda freaked about the clothes Dr.Sullivan was wearing at the end because Ali was wearing in Emily's dream, right?!? This show is just.. Creepy.. but awesome! A- will always come out in top and the girls will always come out on the bottom

  • Then there's Spoby.. :( Spencer wanted to protect Toby and that's what -A wanted Spencer to do.. I..I..I mean She won't even talk to him..... and He loves her....... :( He actually is normal with her.. with Emily and Every one else he talked like 1 word per minute.. but when he met Spencer.. and they fell in love.. He talked in full sentences.. I think that means something.. right? I know what it means.. it means love :) but now that love is over.. Its just yesterday news.... Spoby is over :( Even tho he showed up at the police station and said "Spencer! Spencer i don't care about the secrets.. i care about you! Spencer! Spencer I love you! Spencer!" she just walked away and didn't even care.. maybe I'm wrong tho? Maybe its not over! Maybe they will get back together.. But for now.. Spoby is over :( and its really bothering me.. Spoby can't be over.. They were the couple who never fought but then they break up.. they don't sound like power couples to me... I'm just so mad right now.. Toby and Spencer.. they were MY people

  • I loved this episode.. I really did but.. I cried the whole time :( So sad :( And it was better then the last finale just because... Every thing emotional happened.. Spoby broke up and so much more.. all that happened last time that was big was when Ian tried to Kill Spencer..... I still liked it tho.. there's never been a dual moment on Pretty Little Liars.. I just really can't wait til the Halloween episode.. with Allison in it! And -A! and its all about the months before she died.. and then in January is part 2 of season 2! But 5 months is a long way... Can't Wait!
  • OK, So, Wilden's back?!? Wow, Whens the last time we saw him? And did you notice that the worst of the worst things happened when he showed up? And when he said the Shovel was the murder weapon and then said "And you had it" It sounded like.. He was talking and looking at Spencer! I mean its not just because shes my favorite person next to Toby! But I swear, Every one probably noticed it! And i just brought it to concern! Any way.. all us smart people know that Alison was killed with a Hockey stick, Spencer's Hockey stick. Then Toby found it and Peter burned it.... Uh Hello does any one sense a connection?It was just.. Epic.So Now that Wilden's back, he wants to prove the Girls are guilty of something, and Garret wants to get Wilden a promotion? Wow! I think its just because He wants them to be guilty of killing Alison, Also. So.. why you ask? Because him and Jenna (Mostly Him) Killed her! and then Framed it on every one they wanted! Any way... Garret handed Jenna page 5 and then said to go burn it but hey! Shes blind! She should not be playing with fire! And then another thing! When she came to Spencer's House in 1 of the episodes she knew about the Year books that Toby and Spencer were looking though! Is she blind or not?Any way I thought of a new suspect!(Who could be -A) I bet its Mike! Because in last episode, Did you see how quickly he shut his laptop when Aria walked in? And he dose have nice eyes!OK so does Noel.. So maybe its him 2.. OK so I think Mona's not -A.. I think she just hit Hanna with a car because she was mad at her!I know! They did get a text after but still, My theory still makes sense Lol.. Ok so Jason is a suspect too and Wilden is now a suspect..
  • OK so in the Finale.. -A got Pie at the end.. and the Waiter said -A has beautiful eyes... Lucas.. In one episode he had an I love Pie t-shirt on and.. He has nice eyes :) Just saying.. I don't know if any of our other suspects like Pie but Lucas is a full suspect..But Mike is kinda a full suspect because of the laptop thing and he has beautiful eyes.. and Noel has beautiful eyes.. so IDK?
  • Page 5? Who ever brought up page 5?! But Garret did! And no one asked about it so why did Garret Care?? Because he's a Stalker!?! Yes Because he is probably -A.. So yes thats another Theory!! And yes its another reason not to Rule out Garret as -A but we know he's the murder and every one has proof if their an upssessed Pretty little liars and still has the episode recorded! Yay me! Ive figured out soo much!
  • SPOILER ALERT: OK in January its not going to come back like it always does (A moment later or day later) Its going to be like some time has passed like six weeks to a couple of months. The girls will have to do Community service, They are in serious trouble, and they will not be charged as the killers of Allison.. and oh A's game will be bigger then ever in the second part of this season, And don't miss the Halloween episode on October 19th at 8:00 on ABC Family.. Did -A really even exist before Alison died or.. was it Ian.. and if it was -A then we now know -A is a guy because in the commercial Alison said "He brought me here to kill me!" The that's the end :) Happy ending right?

  • Halloween Episode

Ian Harding as Ezra will be in the Halloween special, but Marlene says “it’s like finding Waldo.” Keep your eyes peeled! Aria and Ezra don’t know each other at this point, “but they almost meet.”

Jason will be in the Halloween episode.

Marlene clarifies that the Halloween special is a “prequel. Not a flashback.” But basically it means we’re going back in time. =]

The Halloween episode “gives lots of clues to what is happening NOW in Rosewood.”

Wondering if Jenna and Noel are friends? “Halloween gives you some insight into this question, then season 2B adds to that.”

Spoilers for the girl’s Halloween costumes: “The preview gave up a bit but I don’t want to give away more. There are two Lady Gagas, I’ll tell you that.”

On the Halloween episode: “It’s a very scary and special episode. Feels different than anything we have ever done.”

  • Characters and Character Come-Backs

Melissa will return to Rosewood midway through the second half of season 2.

Marlene says Maya definitely returns, she thinks in episode 2×15.

Paige is coming back!

Alex is a maybe… “Will Alex ever come back?” “I hope so.”

Darren Wilden will return, but not for a while.

Dr. Sullivan will come back… but not before 2×20.

On Jason: “He will be back. He will bring something back with him.” Cryptic much?

More Caleb to come!

Expect to see more of Noel in the second half of season 2!

Mike will get “better” in the second half of season 2.

“Jenna knows the PLLs are responsible for the accident that caused her blindness.”

Emily will still be staying with the Marin’s.

  • Pairings

We haven’t seen the end of Spoby either, but she says their road is “bumpy.”

We will get an Ezria car scene in 2×17.

Ezra WILL tell Ella about his relationship with Aria… eventually.

One word to describe Ezria in the fall season: “new.” Curious? So are we. How’s a pairing that’s been around since the pilot going to be new?

More Wrencer to come!

What about Toby/Emily’s friendship? “There are more Tomily scenes coming.”

Question: “Can we have an Ezria slow dancing scene?” Answer: “Sure.”

Question: “Are there any future Ezria scenes alike to the epic 2×02 kiss or the Hollis scene in 2×09?” Answer: “You bet. 2×17.”

On Caleb: “Haleb in 2B is an interesting story. He becomes more involved with the A of it all.”

  • Fun Facts

Filming on #PLL continues until December 15th.

It takes about 7 days to write a #PLL script.

It takes about 7 days to film an episode of #PLL.

Episodes are usually finished weeks before they air, but not always. The finale was “literally finished only a few days before it aired. It depends on the time of season.”

The discussions for season 3 are already underway. This doesn’t mean that there will be a season 3, but based on the fact that #PLL is a very highly rated ABC Family show, we expect it to.

  • A

If you missed it, the mannequin the #PLLs dug up in the finale was wearing the boots A bought online. Maya wearing them was “an intentional mislead.”

A total of about 10 people know who A is, but the list is slowly getting larger.

Marlene thinks that the person who is playing A “is figuring it out.” Guess that’s part of why the list is growing!

On A’s next target: “Good? It may be a boy.” We’re taking this as: “On the good side? Byron’s colleague’s son who will come with him to Rosewood in 2B.” (There have already been rumors that this colleague’s son is the first male Liar…)

We will, one day, find out what A gave the doctor in the envelope.

Ok Also, -A's next target? I know who it is! Its Toby! Toby will be in the hospital in the second half of season 2! I bet that's why Wren and Spencer get closer! Because Wren might be Toby's doctor! Have you noticed every time a person ends up in the hospital, Wren is their doctor!

Mona and Noel? Yea there dating.. there's a lot behind that story! I think Mona knows about Aria and Ezra because Noel knows and now he is "Dating" Mona and then in the first episode of season 2 Mona told Aria that she should pick out Mr.Fitz's goodbye gift because she know's him better, and when Aria got that strange look on her face, Mona then said "Because you guys worked together on the play" so yea Mona definitely know's.. and of course back to my theory Noel is -A

  • OK So please Comment! Do You thing Spoby will rise again? Do you think Aria and Ezra will tell Ella and Byron? Do you think Wren wants Spencer back? Do you think Jenna and Garret will run away together? Is Ali Alive?Did you like the spoilers? Am i a good review writer? Comment your Answers!OR ELSE! Love ya - Leland!


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