Saturday, June 30, 2012

F.R.I.E.N.D.S 30 day challenge (Complete)

Day 1: Favorite Season? Season 5.
Day 2: Favorite Character? Joey ( :
Day 03- Least Favorite Character: Chandler, No offense
Day 04- Favorite Monica Moment: Monica: What kind of change? Chandler: The vet thinks shes becoming a rooster
Day 05- Favorite Couple: Chandler and Monica
Day 06- Favorite Rachel Moment: Rachel: Hey Monica just broke my new lamp Chandler: Im going to die alone Rachel: Okay you win
Day 07- Favorite Female: Phoebe
Day 08- Favorite Phoebe Moment: Phoebe: Run! Joey: Where? Phoebe: Mexico! Or 'Jack didn't love the cow either'
Day 09- Least Favorite Female: Monica
Day 10- Favorite Chandler Moment: Monica: I've always wanted a baby Chandler: Well there's no one around, we could take this one
Day 11- Favorite Male: Joey
Day 12- Favorite Picture of the cast: The one where they were eating ice cream and milkshakes, i guess.
Day 13- Favorite Joey Moment: 'JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!'
Day 14- Least Favorite Male: Chandler
Day 15- Favorite Ross Moment: 'You through my sandwich away? MY SANDWICH?'
Day 16- Favorite Guest Star: Don't have one
Day 17- Least Favorite Guest Star: Don't have one
Day 18- Favorite Episode: 'The one where Monica gets a roommate'
Day 19- Favorite song of Phoebe’s: Smelly cat
Day 20- Best wedding: Chandler and Monica
Day 21- Least Favorite Couple: Rachel and Ross
Day 22- Whatever tickles your fancy: How you doin'
Day 23- When did you start watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S.?: Long time after it ended i guess
Day 24- Favorite Quote: 'Stay, No no stay, good fake dog'
Day 25- Most touching Episode, in your opinion: The last one, i think i cried during it
Day 26- How did you feel when F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ended?: I started watching it after it ended so i don't know..?
Day 27- Did you watch the Joey spinoff show?: Like 1 episode
Day 28- Favorite actor/actress: Jenifer Aniston, & The guy who plays Joey
Day 29- Least Favorite actor/actress: Courtney Cox
Day 30- Favorite Younger Days/Flashback scene: The Thanksgiving episode

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