Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pretty Little Liars The Remains of A review

Thoughts about this episode?

First of all, This episode was every thing i didn't expect...

Was any one else expect Holden to be in this episode? Because i sure wasn't.
So basically Spencer and Hanna have a plan to bring A to the church but there's already a party there and Ashley makes Hanna go so she brings Toby, weird, right? So Emily remembers that Holden was there that night after she shes his tattoo, which really isn't a tattoo. Spencer and Jason, acting more and more like siblings everyday, go looking for April Rose, turns out April Rose isn't a person its a shop.. So then they visit the shop and Spencer has some weird flashback after she sees the bracelet, and then Jason buys it off the guy at the shop, and then they turn it in to the police station, turns out the police have been looking for it for 2 years. Toby wants to know why Hanna and Spencer lied to him, Ashley freaks out cause Hanna didn't tell her that the guy was a preacher. Peter Hastings wants Jason to keep Spencer out of all the stuff with Alison and Garrets trial so she can focus on her trial. Ezra is lying about where he got the money from. I'm not Ezria shipper but Aria and Ezra are so cute this season. I swear if they break Spencer and Toby up again i will die. Literally

Wow that took a lot of energy to write.. I'm tired now.
Maybe a nap?

Bye xx

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