Monday, October 24, 2011

Grey's Anatomy Golden Hour: Review

When there is only an hour to do multiple things such as saving more than three lives, the pressure is on. Talk about some stress! From a child, a stroking-out man with a shallow, vapid girlfriend, the Chief's wife, two drunk guys and a knife in on of their heads, and a desperate father trying to get out of the hospital in order to make his son happy. An hour such as this can bring on the 'Grey' hairs. So how did Mer do? Her best.

Really, Alex? Has he lost his mojo? He didn't even ask that new OB/GYN woman out (I forgot her name). Sad. But did Alex look hot this episode or what? Just a personal opinion. Alex did his best in the since, that he did nothing much. Although he did skip the game in order to help a young patient, which of course put a lasting impression on that new OB/GYN lady. Let us hope they will become a pair, instead of another fling.

Teddy. LOL is all one can murmur when looking in on the situation she is in. Wanting to date, but forgetting she is married to a patient. Henry is charmingly hilarious and quirky. His "I think we can do better" line was genius, considering the situation of Teddy dating another man.

Bailey can only go up or down from here. Eli can either be the worst or best thing to happen to her in the past years, which have been particularly difficult and depressing.

Lexie and comment. BOO! Lexie, grow up and get back with Mark. Jackson...just...ugh. We need a storyline for April already!

Mer. As she watches the babies in the hospital wing, she admits to Christina her real fears of not being able to have a child of her own one day. Saddest thing of the night obviously. Adele's fall is Meredith's fall, and the Chief might feel a hint of ignorance if Adele actually ends up having that aformentioned depressing disease. Christina's choice to ignore Callie's proposal to be godmother is a big step for your own friend. Mer and Christina are soul mates! This doesn't distract us from the fact that Mer is going through a rough patch. It was a tough night all around for our girl Meredith. This episode still shows that Meredith is still the star of the show no matter what. A chaotic and emotional night that rocked the world of Mer. And by the looks of next week's episode, Mer's problems are far from over. This is becoming a bit too depressing.

Shonda Rhimes please do not destroy Mer this way, it would be too disturbing and depressing. Great episode though!

Five stars out of five!

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