Monday, October 24, 2011

Grey's Anatomy Not Responsible Review

This week's Grey's Anatomy, “Not Responsible” focused on the complicated relationships of Seattle Grace. And we mean complicated, even by Grey's Anatomy standards.

It was another standard but stellar episode of Grey’s Anatomy last night with some emotional storylines and over arching plot points inching forward.

Lucy told Meredith that she had to discontinue the fertility medication, and the Chief said that Meredith could not even observe surgeries until she recovered. If Meredith is forced to choose between her career and having a baby, which do you think she will choose?

Alex asked Lucy out yet again, and she refused once again. This is becoming a common theme on the show. Will she eventually give in when she so obviously has a crush on Alex?

One of the Alzheimers patients had a young son with a bump on his neck. Because the cyst was dangerous and the child had not been receiving proper medical attention, Dr. Stark asked Arizona to call child protective services.

April tried to help the family and told Dr. Stark that the son was cherished by his parents.

Dr. Stark decided against calling CPS and asked April on a date since she was the first person who was able to change his mind in 10 years. Dr. Stark was a little bit more likable in this episode. Do you think he will be a good addition to the show in the future?

The saddest sub-plot of the show involved a cystic fibrosis patient who needed a lung transplant. Since the patient’s girlfriend also had cystic fibrosis, they were not supposed to date because it was dangerous for both of them.

The patient explained to Teddy that life without risk was not worth living, and Teddy ordered him to break up with his girlfriend or else she would not allow the transplant to go forward. The couple broke up, and Lexie convinced the girlfriend to leave the hospital, explaining that everyone had more than one true love.

Lexie also admitted to Avery that she missed Mark and actually believed that everyone has one soul mate. Avery told Lexie that he had feelings for her. Were you surprised that they ended up in the shower together? Is this the beginning of a legitimate committed relationship or is it going to be casual? Lexie seems to be confused about what she wants.

Adele was back in the hospital after another accident, and the Chief assigned Bailey to the case. Ultimately, Bailey convinced the Chief to talk to Derek about Adele’s possible early on-set dementia. Where do you think this story line is going? Does Adele actually have Alzheimers?

Arizona wanted Callie to have an amniocentesis, and Mark did not want Callie to have it because of the risk involved. Arizona and Mark tried to show who is boss in their relationship with Callie throughout the episode. Callie decided to get the amnio, and Mark explained that he really just wants everyone to vote on the decisions affecting the baby.

Arizona admitted to Callie that she is upset that she’s stuck with a lifetime full of Mark. Do you think that Callie, Arizona, and Mark can ever really have a perfect relationship or will Arizona and Mark keep competing with each other? Would Callie cut Mark out of the baby’s life to please Arizona? Would Arizona walk away from Callie?

Cristina mentioned to Owen that she does not want children. He replied that she will probably come around in a couple of years. Owen also became angry with Cristina for refusing to share his life vision. This led Cristina to second guess their marriage.

Do you think Cristina’s being unfair or should Owen have known what he was getting into when he married her? Do you think that their marriage will last?

The end of the episode was reminiscent of past seasons. Meredith and Cristina were discussing their problems while Mark, Owen, and Derek hit golf balls and talked about their woman issues. How did you feel about the ending?

Here are some of the night's best Grey's Anatomy quotes ...

  • Mark: I've lost too many babies in my time. Addison terminated. Sloan disappeared. I'm not letting it happen again. I don't care what kind of baby it is.
  • Arizona: We have a relationship, Mark. Part of that doesn't include you.
  • Alex: Can you even see me? Meredith: Yeah, and you look like a real moron. I need a real eye doctor.

  • Mark: Mrs. Webber, I'm about to put a needle in your face. I'd be extremely grateful if you'd stop moving.

  • April: It's weird, it's weird, it's weird. I mean he's old and mean. He's like the Grinch.

  • Arizona: I don't get excited by Mark. I'm not delighted by Mark.

  • Arizona: I never picked him, and I don't hate him, but I don't want a life with him. And yet that's somehow what I got

  • Lexie: He's a good man. I didn't think about it when I walked away. I just got mad, and I walked.

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