Monday, October 24, 2011

Grey's Anatomy Review: Disarm

Overall, "Disarm" was a good episode. The storyline involving a gunman shooting up a college clearly paralleled what happened at Seattle Grace and allowed all of the doctors’ lingering shooting-related issues to be exposed. Plus, a lot of loose ends were finally tied up.

Meredith told Derek how much him being shot affected her. She explained that he needed to help her just as much as he had been helping Cristina.

They seem to be getting closer again, which the show really needed. Also, there’s the subplot of Meredith and Derek trying to have a baby. Do you think this will happen any time soon? Won’t it change the whole dynamic of the show?

It was sad that Cristina Yang had been living in Seattle for so long and did not even know where the Space Needle was, but it was great to see her back in surgery.

The long-awaited reunion with Meredith at the end of the episode did not disappoint. Hopefully, they will be able to restore their friendship to what it was before.

Teddy seems stressed about the wedding, but Henry was very charming at the end of the episode. Will they stay together or will the marriage of convenience backfire?

What will this do to her relationship with Owen, who is clearly annoyed?

Callie and Arizona are still fighting. They were able to work together professionally, but Callie does not seem to be anywhere near forgiving Arizona.

Do you think that Arizona will wait around until Callie forgives her or will they break up? If the Chief was serious about Arizona having to work under Dr. Stark, there should be a lot of drama in the pediatrics department in upcoming episodes.

Jackson and Bailey showed that they are still not fully recovered from the shooting.

Jackson demonstrated that he’s trying, though, when he spoke sympathetically to the shooter’s mother after walking out of the shooter’s surgery.

Meanwhile, Bailey became very emotional and angry when her patient Chuck started coding, but his survival should help her recover as well.

Lexie was panicky for most of the episode, but, after Mark gave her the opportunity to save a patient’s life, she told him she loved him.

Where is this going to go? Mark is historically a commitment-phobe, so we will have to wait and see if he runs or sticks around for good.

How did you feel about the scene where everyone was watching Cristina and Teddy’s surgery and the Chief announced that all 26 victims survived? Everyone broke down into tears and then began laughing hysterically. Clearly, the doctors were exhausted and dealing with post-traumatic stress, but the reaction was pretty intense.

The best scene of the episode was when the crowd sang the Pacific College song outside, and all of the doctors were seen working together in peace for the same goal - saving patients - despite their personal problems.

What did you think of last night's episode? What were your favorite moments?

My favorite quotes from last night.


Arizona: Body block him, Karev. Don't let him near that leg.

Callie: You had to fly across the world to get to me Arizona because you flew a whole world away without ever looking back. You just left. And this might be news to you — no, I think it kinda is — but you're not the only one in this relationship. There are two of us, and you came back today but I didn't.

Dr. Stark: I hate this place.

Henry: You look exhausted. I look handsome

Henry: You saved my life this morning, and that deserves a toast even if it wasn't a real wedding.

Lexie: I love you, so yeah, just take your time, I'll wait.

Richard: We saw 26 patients. 26 victims. And we had no casualties. No one died.

Callie: No, no, you will not hold me hostage and make me listen to you. I am rebuilding the leg of a kid who's been shot. That's, that's why I'm here. That's the only reason.

Callie: Dr. Stark, you're new here, but in this hospital, we take shootings personally

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