Monday, October 24, 2011

Grey's anatomy shock the system review

Sorry its not longer!

Meredith and McDreamy? Love. I love the idea that dark and twisted Meredith is now the stable one, and that Patrick Dempsey finally has some actual material to work with. His description of what it feels like to drive fast excited and angered me - I wanted to go, but I also wanted to kill him. You have a wife to think about!

Cristina. Again, Meredith is now the stable one, and Cristina is the one who needs supporting. The relationship between Cristina and Meredith has always been, and always will be, the most important one on the show. Nothing showed this better than Mer coming into the OR and lying down on the floor with Cristina, and Mer telling Cristina that marriage is for better or for worse, and right now she's in worse. I loved that by the time Owen came and delivered his "I'm standing by you" speech (which earned him a couple points), Meredith had already fixed everything.

A speech from Bailey! Nothing makes me love an episode more than Miranda Bailey laying down the law, and this was even better because it meant Alex took that stupid bullet out of his body.

And the saddest part of the episode: Mark and Lexie. I have grown to hate Mark Sloane. I want Alex to win back Lexie and get married and live happily ever after. And watching him let her go because she had the attack was heartbreaking.

All in all, I thought it was a pretty great episode. I didn't love the storyline about the woman getting a new heart, and I thought the idea of a patient remembering that Cristina and Burke were getting married felt contrived. And I'm not sold on the idea of Teddy dating the shrink yet, but that might be because I've never really been sold on Teddy. On the other hand, I liked the multiple victims of a lightning strike storyline. A mass injury was a great way to resurface the residual emotions from the docs' own group trauma. What did you think of this week's episode of Grey's? Another victory for Shonda Rhimes?

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