Monday, October 24, 2011

Human Target Imbroglio and Cool hand Gurerro

This episode was so Die Hard it’s not even funny. Chance was John McClane, Ilsa was his ex-wife and Winston was Sergeant Al Powell. I’m not sure who Guerrero was but then again, Guerrero is so unique he doesn’t need to be anybody else.

This episode started with Ilsa’s suffering from flashbacks after being attacked by Lopez and subsequently killing him to save herself. The last thing she probably needed was to be put into another situation with men holding guns on her but as both Chance and her sister-in-law said, she’s tough and if anything I think it might actually help her get through her issues. I liked the continuity to the previous episode and the fact that they didn’t just sweep what happened to her under the rug. Chance was very sweet to follow her home, still doing his best to protect her, but I also like that she told him she didn’t need him any longer.

My favorite bits…

Already starting to giggle when Ilsa told her Connie how professional her team was. I just KNEW that elevator door would open to some sort of shenanigans.

Guerrero calling Connie “smokin’ hot.”

Chance putting on the catcher’s mask and asking Guerrero to get back to it.

Connie telling Ilsa that she suspected that Chance would clean up nicely, then Chance showing up and proving her right. Wow.

Poor Chance admitting to Ilsa that he hated it when he was right. Yeah, I bet he does.

Guerrero’s comment Connie that he hoped she provides medical, after her guard got taken down by the men in masks.

Finding out that one of Chance’s special talents was vomiting on cue. Disgusting yes, but it did work.

Winston informing Chance that he’d been listening to him heave for the past ten minutes, why would he go anywhere now? LOL!

Wow, Guerrero must really like that Connie chick considering he didn’t even get mad when she called the cops.

Winston having the balls to pull out a fake DHS badge. Nice!

Chance struggling to remember the name of the agent Winston needed to scare the FBI.

Winston asking the FBI dude if he wanted to save lives or save his career. Go Winston!

Guerrero warning the masked men to walk away and no one would get hurt.

Being very happy to see that Chance’s new body armor did work. Too bad it won’t save him from drowning though. Oh noes!

Surprise at seeing the goons dragging Guerrero down the hallway. I totally thought he could take them.

Chance instructing Ilsa on how to take down a bad guy.

Chance and Ilsa both figuring out at the same time that it was Guerrero up on the top floor, not the terrorists.

Chance chasing the hostages back up the stairs totally reminding me of Bruce Willis doing the same thing in Die Hard.

Chance hitting the wrong guy and asking the terrorists to just raise their hands to identify themselves. I’m surprised that didn’t work, I mean he did ask nicely.

Guerrero sending Morse Code with the light on his gun. Freaking brilliant!

Chance shooting the chandelier and riding the rope up while killing all bad guys. It was all so very macho… well, until Chance couldn’t get himself back down again, LOL.

The FBI dude letting Winston go.

Guerrero flirting with Connie all the way to the end.

Finding out that Chance was the one who had been following Ilsa home.

What did you think of this episode of Human Target? Got any favorite bits or least favorite bits of your own? I’d love to hear from you!

Okay before I start this review I just have to get something out of my system…

Yay, a whole episode about Guerrero!

Okay, I’m better now.

Guerrero always has Chance and Winston’s backs, but in this episode it was their turn to help him out. Only the hardest part for them isn’t really so much the helping bit as it was getting Guerrero to accept that help. I get the idea that’s not so easy for him. He’s more used to being the guy dong the helping and wants to handle his own problems.

The first time they introduced Guerrero, I hate to admit it but I didn’t think I was going to like him. I’m sorry but he just looked so odd to me, I couldn’t figure out what his deal was and frankly he kinda creeped me out. Well it just goes to show that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, because it didn’t take long before I was realizing how very wrong I was. Within one episode I could see all of his good qualities: that he was tough, he was hilarious, he was loyal as hell to Chance – in other words he was awesome.

Overall I loved this episode. Chance and Guerrero working together inside the prison was great to watch. They are both so good at what they do and seeing them act as a team was a real treat. It makes me hope that we get to see more of that. Also, the introduction of the fact that Guerrero apparently has a son was a nice twist, as was the fact that Chance already knew about the kid. Just more proof of the long history they apparently have together.

My favorite bits…

Finding out that Guerrero not only has actual friends, be he started in his “business” all the way back in the third grade.

Winston stopping himself before revealing what kind of “side jobs” Guerrero does. Yeah, I’m thinking it’s safer if Ilsa doesn’t know either.

Guerrero telling the cops that he had a permit for the samurai sword before opening the trunk. I wonder if he could have tried telling them he had a permit for the body?

The fact that Chance didn’t believe Guerrero at first when he said he didn’t kill the guy. Well, who can blame him? This is Guerrero we’re talking about here.

Ilsa and Ames breaking into Guerrero’s locker. Anyone else besides me expect it be booby trapped?

Guerrero asking his new cellmate to come back in five because his shiv wasn’t done yet. LOL!

Guerrero taking down that dude with nothing but a sheet and then dropping from the ceiling to take out the guard, too.

Chance catching the knife that Guerrero threw at him. Seriously I don’t know what was cooler – how quickly Guerrero threw it or how quickly Chance caught it.

Chance and Guerrero’s mini fight. I say “mini” because neither of them died, lost any limbs or killed anyone else while having it.

Chance and Winston showing up at a store called “Gun World”. LOL!

Ilsa admitting that the only thing she really knows about Guerrero is that he wears glasses.

Chance holding the phone away from his ear when Winston started going off on him.

Everyone in the store pulling a gun on Chance, including the blonde chick.

Ames figuring out that Guerrero’s code was the name of his car.

Ames finding a picture of a little boy in Guerrero’s suitcase.

Guerrero reading Stephen King’s IT. It totally figures he’d read a book about a scary clown.

Winston and Ames discussing whether or not the stripe on the truck was red or maroon.

Watching Guerrero and Chance take out those four thugs without even breaking a sweat.

The fact that it took a second for Winston to realize that “up and to the right” was northeast on the phone’s GPS.

Winston telling Guerrero that he really needed a hobby if he was following him to bowling every Sunday. Yeah, I gotta say I agree.

Ames not telling Guerrero (or anyone else) about the picture she found.

Chance giving Guerrero the snow globe for his son’s birthday. So unbelievably sweet I nearly died.

Ames Saying that they didn't touch the engine when the really did

What did you think of this episode of Human Target? Got any favorite bits or least favorite bits of your own? I’d love to hear from you!

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