Monday, November 7, 2011

Grey's Anatomy Heart Shaped Box review

OK this Episode was Heart warming! Ha loved it so much!

So basically this episode was about..Henry deciding he wants to go to med school against Teddy's wishes, Jackson's "Girl Problems" Of some sort.. Mark fearing that Jackson would dump him (as in dump Plastics) The Chief giving out advice, Cristina listening to the heart in a box, Mama O'malley needing surgery, Arizona Hanging out with a Peds Fellowship intern person of some sort, Callie freaking out about weather or not to talk to Mama O'malley because of her's and Georges marriage in season 3? Maybe 2.. But any way The last part which was my favorite was when Derek and Lexie working with the book writer who refused surgery til she finished her book (Smart!!)
So when she couldn't bare to write any more but needed to finish it she had Lexie finish it for her.. Lexie got all freaked out because she wasn't with Nathan but shes with Alexander and then the women gets rushed in to surgery with Lexie still worrying about the book characters and then Jackson comes in and makes a decision that breaks every ones hearts! He breaks up with Lexie! He actually picked Mark and Plastics over Lexie!

This over all was the second best episode of the season!

My Favorite bits of the night::

  • "He probably pops out puppies"
  • "If you love some thing set it free, if it comes back.." "Im gonna punch you, in the face!"

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