Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pretty little liars 2x17 reveiw

Okay, first of all let me say sorry, i haven't been writing in a while, but TV just hasn't impressed me in a while, but now I'm back! Enjoy !

OK, Last night was just,well... let me put it this way, Spencer and Toby stole the show.. But you know that's OK because I'm a Spoby fan...

Ezra and Aria

Its really hard to admit but.. I really, kinda, liked the scenes between them last night? I mean, well, they had this story line last night that made me kinda really excited to watch, i mean there was:

  • The kiss in the rain
  • The Meredith Grey 'Pick me, choose me, love me' type speech in the phone call

I mean what's not great about that? I just loved, loved, loved, the Kiss in the rain! So basically overall, they had a happy ending! Sweet right? But next week Ella has a sit down with them?

Caleb and Hanna

Not much to tell here.. They had a fight, and in the end Hanna won (So we think) Any way last night Hanna told Caleb she doesn't want him working on the phone any more, then puts the flash drive in the blender.. Caleb listens to Hanna (For a little bit) but then confronts Emily and Spencer about still wanting to help. Like any other obsessed fan, I thought they were gonna tell Caleb about A, but they only told him the basics (Being Framed, Trying to find Alison's killer etc.)


Yea, like always, she was riding solo this episode, but she did helped out with helping Spencer keep Toby safe.. Nothing much to tell here.. Oooh she did Tell Toby that Spencer might be together with her ex again! Then of course Toby found out who this 'Other Guy' was.

Last, but not least.. Toby and Spencer

Man, where to start? Ooh i know! Spencer slipped up last week and went to see Toby even tho A told here to stay away! Sweet right? Not exactly. See, at the end of last week, we see A losing the bolts and the thing in front of the barn, means nothing right? Actually, it does. Toby had went to get his tools after Mr.Hastings fired him, but Emily tells him he should leave, so Toby comes back the next day and falls, Luckily Spencer's Mom came home!

At the hospital Spencer comes to see him and he explains what happens, when Wren walks in (Uh oh!)

Toby then Suspects something is going on between Spencer and Wren. Spencer on the other hand keeps pushing Aria and Emily to 1.Let Caleb work on unlocking A's phone and 2.Lie to Hanna (Uh oh!)

But Spencer needs to keep Toby safe even more, so she gets Emily to do the unspeakable to us Spoby fans! Tell Toby that Spencer's ex is back and "Its not right again" Ooh didn't see that one coming did you!

Toby finds out the "Ex" Is his doctor,Wren, and ooh does he go mad!

In the end Spencer, Emily, and Aria find Toby's truck (The one Spencer bought him) out side with a note for Spencer

the last thing we here her say is "He's gone" and then tears just flooded out of my eyes.. I could not believe this! Toby left rosewood and left Spencer, and its even more worse because Spencer and Wren are getting back together! I can't live!


In the end we see A set fire to a picture of Ezra and Toby, and even more confusing, A burns a picture of Spencer? I have a feeling that Spencer is turning in to the weakest liar..

Favorite bits of the night

Well i kinda only had one but here it is

Toby:I think you should go

Wren:Come on Mate

Toby:I'm just saying, I might have broken my left arm but my right arm is perfectly fine

Wren: *Leaves*

Ooh and the Ezria kiss in the rain (:

As for next week

From what i seen, Aria lies to Spencer and says that Ezra never showed, and everyone swears its because A might find out but i think its because she doesn't want Spencer to hurt any more (You know, like a good friend)

Spencer tells Aria that she drove Toby's truck back to his parents house and sat in it for a while, and then she starts crying, which made me cry ):

Hanna finds out Spencer has been lying to her and gets really mad

Spencer then tells Hanna "A has taken every thing from me, and i can't loose you too" which made me cry

As for now, i must go, But hope you guys enjoyed!

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