Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pretty Little Liars Eye of the Beholder review

Lets start Slow. This was a, well, lets just say over all, it wasn't the best episode this season, but i did scream at the TV a couple of times.

Jenna's Surgery
From what we know right now, Jenna got the surgery but will she be able to see again? Also, I kind of felt bad for her. I mean, she was blinded by a girl who hated her, then she got in another fire a couple days after she got a surgery to see again! Other then that, I kinda,Really hate her.

Maya and Em
OK, this sounds awkward, but i kind of miss Maya. I actually cried when Emily was looking at the email Maya sent her. The producers really need to bring Maya back.

Hanna and Ashley
OK, since Hanna threw her phone in the sink in 2x22, and Ashley is still looking for answers that Hanna won't give to her, their Mother Daughter relationship hasn't been going to well. But in the end, all worked out. I'm actually just guessing on that last part. I mean the hugged at the end right?

Duncan and Aria
This was a weird part of the episode. I liked that he had answers about Alison a.k.a Vivian, but he better not make a move on Aria, she belongs with Ezra. I was happy that we got an Aria Jason scene and that Duncan didn't get much screen time, because i don't really like him.

Ezra, Ella, and Byron
This was just weird. Ella showed up at Ezra's office telling him that he might got mixed signals about her allowing him and Aria to date, then we find out that Ella was still on board with Byron on getting Ezra out of Rosewood, then Byron shows up to talk to Ezra? But when Ezra stood up for himself, i was Amazed..

The Jenna Thing
Oh.No, it resurfaced, again. All i have to say.

The Fire
Why would A try to kill Jenna? Did A know that Hanna was going to go over to Jason's house during the fire? Oh and Hanna doesn't get hurt when she went ALL the way in the fire to save Jenna, but Spencer who stayed out side, got hurt? Wow.

Jason and Veronica
I know that she doesn't like him, like at all, but Jason is Spencer's brother, she should be able to see him with out her caring. All i have to say.

Last but not Least, Spencer and Toby
Oh.My.Gawd. I automatically felt bad for Spencer when Toby stepped out of the car with Jenna. Then she tells him shes been thinking about them, but of course he obviously didn't care, and just replied with the words "Don't you think it's a little to late for that?" Which made me tear up. Then he planned on selling the truck that Spencer bought for him? Rude much? I just wished her was the old Toby, the person who was willing to fight for Spencer no matter what. I just fangirled when they were standing in the Hospital and he asked her if she was alright! I just dyed!

Favorite bits of the night
-Hanna Toby scene
-Wren Spencer scene
-Veronica Jason Hospital scene
-The fire
-When Emily was reading the email that Maya sent her

Next Week
Creepy Doll Hospital time
Alison is back
Jenna might or might not be able to see again

Tune in.

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