Friday, May 11, 2012

Greys Anatomy Migration review

Words can't explain how i feel right now.. Thanks Shonda -__-

God said: Let there be heart break and Shonda Rhimes was born.

I mean am i supposed to be okay with this? Killing off one on the characters ?! This is not tolerated..
 If Arizona or Lexie dies then i will stop watching... and Derek can't die because i don't want to sit through depressing Meredith scenes next season... -__-

Lexie & and Mark 
  So after last weeks episode i learned that Alex and Lexie will NEVER get back together so i kinda ship this couple now. Any way, MARK STILL FREAKING LOVES LEXIE! Yup, he told Derek.. But he also still is with Julia (Or whatever her name is).... Grr, we should get Slexie trending next week during the finale, or to make me happy lets get "Get Alex and Lexie back together" kidding kidding ( :
Any ways, i will die if some thing good for this couple doesn't come out of next weeks finale..

April and Jackson
So i think its official to call them a couple? Nope. And in even bigger news, April got fired because Owen can't hire her back next year because since she failed her boards, she is no longer #1 so she turned in to a depressed alcoholic -__- Really Shonda, really? So April basically hates Jackson now because she thinks its his fault she failed! This show is getting to me.

The Alex Situation 
So i really love when Webber and Alex work together... Aha so basically Webber was helping Alex get something out of both hospitals to see which hospital he should choose (Hopkins or Seattle Grace Mercy West) Which of course Owen tried to lie his way out of it, but thanks to Webber, Alex knew exactly what to do. Any ways, he picked Hopkins which really didn't make Arizona happy....Her last words to him before she got on the Plane of doom (What i call it) were how stupid and awful and worthless he is..

Every part with her in it had me in tears.. All the awards to Jessica Capshaw please. Oh and the scene where she told Callie never to leave her had be on the ground in tears.. Oh and her friend who had cancer was really cute, but he went to get the surgery it failed so now he is going to go find a beach to die on *Thumbs up* Sounds like a great death place to me. One scene that had me on the verge of dying was when he was calling him self stupid because he waited 6 years to tell Arizona about the cancer and she just hugged him and said "You're not stupid" over and over again. Aww.

Cristina and Owen
This couple disgust me. So they get divorced and now their back together again? Well actually they just fell asleep in each others arms and then Cristina woke up and said "I'm leaving" which Owen deserved. Other great news Cristina picked Harvard! Owen was kinda depressing this episode so i wanted to kick him most of the time. Thats kinda it.

Meredith and Derek
Dun dun dun.... Meredith wants to stay in Seattle but Derek wants to leave... Oh and the dream house is done! Ha i loved when Derek was like "All of the dreams that Mark has are the same dreams i have"Any way Merder have started to annoy me since erm i don't know, Season 8 started. Any way, in the end Meredith and Derek are leaving Seattle with little Zola

Baily and Ben
I just simply love the episodes when Ben is mad cause Baily always is at work but this episode had me in tears. I did not see that coming that Ben would propose through a cross word puzzle! It was sweet. And i loved when Baily was like "Oh come on i'm in a thong, propose to me again!" Grr, then Ben had to be all "I got a job at UCLA, which is more then a thousand miles away" Thats when the tears started..  I miss Eli.

2 big shockers!
Meredith isn't Cristina's person any more! Dun dun dun!
And then the plane crash..

Next Week
I swear Shonda, if you kill off Lexie or Arizona i will come to Los Angeles and yell at you ... -__-

Hey Shonda ....

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