Thursday, May 17, 2012

Glee Props and Nationals reveiw

Gah. I Loved/Hated this episode.

Now onward with the review!

What i hated
I hated that Rachael had SO MANY solos... Every other song she was singing.. I mean i know that shes the main character and all but let some one else have some solos.. Gosh now i sound like Tina.

Loved Parts of mine

  • The Fight between the Hockey players and Puck
  • Pucks scene with Coach Beast in the locker room
  • When Puck dressed up like a girl and Sue was like "Puckerman I appreciate your commitment to winning, but without a doubt you are the ugliest woman I have ever seen. For a second there I thought you were Beiste's sister."
  • When Tina and Mike were text fighting
  • Puck and Finn as Blaine and Kurt
  • Mike with dreads (Woot woot)
  • Coach Beast threatening to stab Cooter with the kitchen knife (Thats my girl) 
  • Santana yelling "Don't make me go all Lima heights on your butts!"
  • New Direction winning Nationals!
  • Principal Figgins tribute to the wedding (5 Bucks)
  • Mr.Shue winning teacher of the year
  • Rachael giving her speech "Mr. Shue, when I met you I was just an annoying Jewish girl with two gay dads and a very big dream. Today, I still have two dads, and I'm still Jewish, and I'm probably just as annoying."

 Any ways Sorry this was short, but every one did great an i was on the verge of tears of the whole episode! Next weeks Graduation !

See you later xx


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