Friday, July 13, 2012

Pretty Little Liars That Girl is Poison review


Who knew the evil brat had a birthday? 

So this episode we got a very evil Lucas, No Caleb, and cute Ezria scene, and SPOBY!!

Overall i'm gonna say this was a good episode but not my favorite...

Sorry this was short, but Writers block has taken over 

 I know sad right?

 Favorite bits of the night:

  • Ezra buying Aria that really old camera 
  • Aria looking at the lime with fur ;3
  •  Spencer: He's your boyfriend, Aria. He's not a baby squirrel.
    Aria: I was just trying to do the right thing.
    Spencer: Totally wrong. Look, I've been there, I've done that. Every time you baby squirrel Ezra, you're taking away his nuts.
    Aria: You did not just say that
  •  Spencer (on Jenna): How can you miss her? She's been gliding around school all day like a Thanksgiving float.
  • Spencer: here she comes
     Spencer: The Float
    Paige: I'm not drunk. I'm hungry and your cupcakes taste like old pennies.
    1.  Overall, This episode was fairly good, i guess. Well Next week we get a Hanna and Toby scene so Yay i guess.. But we also get a crying Spencer, what could that mean..? Hmm
      Until next time
      Bye xx

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