Friday, July 13, 2012

Rookie Blue Coming Home review

Is it wrong to say that Oliver Shaw was the only reason i payed attention during this episode?

So basically what happens is a noise complaint leads Andy and Sam to a warehouse where they found a stabbed victim. Dun dun dun.. Guess who's there? Izzy, Officer Shaw's daughter 

So then Traci feels like her Boyfriend is ignoring her or some thing like that.
Oliver's wife comes to the station, He tells her that hes coming over after his shift ends and she of course says no.

Then he shows up any way, and his daughter is missing. Oh no. 

Then Blah blah blah a long time later, they find her at her Boyfriends house and of cause Oliver go's crazy dun dun dun.

Sam and Andy talk him out of shooting him, and then they go home and have their House Warming party type thing 

  • Andy makes up with her mom
  • Gale and Chris talk some what
  • Dov and that one girl hug it out (They seriously need to get together) 
  • And Oliver moves back in with his family! 

 Overall, Very good episode, But Chris and Gale need to get back together still -__-

Bye xx 

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