Saturday, December 3, 2011

Boredem 2

Here I am! Back to bore you guys to DEATH! Not like Death like Scream asking you if like scary movies death.. Just put it this way.. Dinosaurs will come back and you'll still be reading this.. then wishing that you never started reading it in the first place! So your probably waiting for me to say "Gotcha! This is a romantic comedy!" and so on an so on, but no! I'm just here to write about nothing! So again this is just a boring story filled with black words on a piece of the internet! Don't expect me to say "And the prince and princess rode off in the sunset" Because wake up an smell reality because none of that is found in this story yet you just wasted half you time reading the first part and now your thinking weather or not to read on but yet again your READING ON! I'm just here to waste your time and you haven't even realized it yet! So go ahead trying to figure out "What the heck is she talking bout" Because this isn't no story its just a piece of the internet wasting ALL of your time and yet your still reading on! Man am i fooling you? Your still reading on about what? NOTHING! Man this is just a waste of your time! Yet still what are you doing? READING ON! If your reading this you must really not know whats going on! Smart people would have stopped reading it but if your reading this right now then you aren't very bright! Just wanted to say that i fooled all of you in to wasting your time reading this! HAVE A NICE DAY! Even tho you already wasted half of it!

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