Saturday, December 3, 2011

Boredem 3

I'm here AGAIN! Can you believe it? I'm back to waste your time an your so interested that your back to read the third one! You must Really not know whats going on! You could be saying good bye to your loved ones of being murdered or off killing some one but NO! Your here reading this very story! But wake up Sleeping Beauty! This is just a junky piece of internet back to waste your time for the THIRD FREAKING TIME! Wake up an see how much air you just Polluted reading this!You sicken me! You Really don't see whats going on here?This is no Intervention or anything use full so just move on! If you made it this far then you aren't very bright! What are you expecting? Are you expecting me to say "And then it all worked out" Or "Then the gun went off an the room was silent" Because this is not that kind of story! BTW this isn't a story at all! Its just me wasting all of your time! An whats it for? NOTHING! WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY! THIS IS JUST A WASTE OF YOUR TIME! Still don't get it? Fine just keep reading on since you think your so Bright! Blah! STOP READING THIS! Are you expecting a happy ending? None of that here! A shoot out? None of that here! A boring long paragraph? That's ALL your gonna find here! So Just keep reading on an your find that we have a very large collection of.. BORING! You have just wasted Half of your time! Blah! You just got fooled by LELAND SANDERS! You have just wasted all of you time reading the first half and now your wondering if the second half is gonna be a roller coaster ride and exciting but no! ITS GOING TO BE AS BORING AS THE FIRST HALF OR FIRST 2 STORIES! Ha your still reading on aren't you? Just wondering whats going to happen next? But i can tell you whats going to happen next ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! This paragraph is just going to grow an grow on what? NOTHING! Yet after i told you ALL of that your Still reading on! How stupid can you be?! Oh my you must really not be bright if you made it THIS FAR! Blah! Yet again your still reading! Have a really nice rest of the day! And if your still expecting something like A Werewolf and A regular girl and a Sparkling Vampire then your really terrible! This Isn't Twilight and if you read this whole thing waiting for a Twilight plot then Guess What? YOU WASTED ALL YOUR TIME! Blah! I won AGAIN!

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