Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bucket List

I figured i would make one. Okay here we go
Before i die
  1. Meet One Direction
  2. Climb a mountain
  3. Save a life
  4. Go on a shopping spree
  5. Get a red streak in my hair 
  6. Hold a baby lion
  7. Climb a water tower with some one special 
  8. Take Polaroid Pictures 
  9. Meet Black Veil Brides
  10. Have a dream wedding
  11. Visit England
  12. Shop at the official One Direction store
  13. Meet Chris Evans 
  14. Sky diving
  15. Hide and Seek in Ikea 
  16. Adopt a husky 
  17. Watch every episode of F.r.i.e.n.d.s
  18. Paint a room crazy rain bow colors
  19. Fill a room with balloons 
  20. Have a Blair Waldorf type sleep over
  21. Learn how to drive
  22. Carve my name in to a tree 
  23. Ride a horse on the beach
  24. Move to Los Angeles
  25. Own a Nice Camera
  26. Dance in the rain
  27. Swim with a sea turtle
  28. Spend New Years eve with my best friends in Times Square
  29. Nap on a beach
  30. Write a letter to my self and read it in 10 years
  31. Own a pair of Black Milk Leggins 
  32. Have some one dedicate a song to me
  33. Hold a Sloth
  34. See Big Ben
  35. Have a son
  36. Own a Keep Calm shirt 
  37. Get in a taxi and yell "Follow That Car!"
  38. Make Vanilla Pudding, put it in a Mayo jar, eat it in public
  39.  Go Blonde
  40.  Watch the sunset
  41. Ride the London Eye
  42. Cover my bedroom wall with Lights, Posters, and Lyrics
  43. Throw a pool party
  44. Buy a homeless person a full meal
  45. Write on the Before I Die board in New Orleans 
  46. Stick to my New Years resolution 
  47. Name a Star
  48. Visit Nutelleria
  49. Visit the Walk of Fame
  50. Get a hot stone massage 
  51. Record an album
  52. Sing a song with Adam Levine 
  53. Give some one a makeover 
  54. Backpack through Europe 
  55. Have a house with a tire swing 
  56. Try Yoga
  57. Hold a Platypus
  58. Hug Tom Felton
  59. Walk in a Water walker
  60. Ride in a helicopter
  61. Build a snow man
  62. Walk through the city with a Free Hugs sign
  63. Have a bonfire
  64. Steal a street sign
  65. Go Cliff Diving
  66. Write a book
  67. Own a mac book air
  68. Own a Horse
  69. Go to Spain
  70. Shoot a gun
  71. Let go of a floating lantern 
  72. Throw a Masquerade party
  73. Hug a giant panda
  74. Learn how to play the guitar 
  75. Be in a flash mob
  76. Ride in a hot air balloon
  77. Make a scrapbook 
  78. Jump in a pool with clothes on
  79. Learn how to draw
  80. Visit all 50 states
  81. Pet a llama 
  82. Own a pent house
  83. Drink from a milk carton
  84. Blast music at 3 in the morning
  85. Own a Clown fish named Nemo
  86. Own a pair of TOMS
  87. Learn to surf 
  88. Go on a road trip with friends 
  89. See the Northern Lights 
  90. Learn to dance
  91. Have a Paint war
  92. Kiss under water
  93. Sleep in a haunted house
  94. Go on a Safari 
  95. Change some ones life
  96. Find my Other half
  97. Watch every Nicholas Spark movie
  98. Have a love like Noah and Allies (The Notebook)
  99. Be in an Action movie
  100. Become Youtube Famous.

 Hope you guys liked it xx

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