Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hawaii Five-0 Season finale

What an emotional episode...

What Happened 
Fryer is dead. Yes. I literally am still debating weather or not to watch next season because Captain Fryer is dead. Gah.

The Rest of the Episode 
  • Max got shot. I kinda wish they killed him off, hes a bit creepy
  • Joe is back! Celebrate!
  • Police building blew up
  • Danny is in a custody battle
  • Steve left for Japan, again, with out telling Danny
  • Frank, the dirty cop dude, Kidnapped Chins wife and Kono and he had to choose one! And he chose his wife -__- Thanks Chin Thanks

Just saying now that Fryer is dead, Kono is the only reason i'm still watching... So thanks Chin.

 But overall it was great and yea yea
Gotta go prepare for the Grey's Anatomy season finale,

Bye xx 

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